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Since President Obama released his plan to cut global warming pollution from power plants, a ton of people have been talking about the impact on fracking.1 The final rule puts much more emphasis on clean energy and efficiency than natural gas -- although it still wont shut down fracking or stop the hundreds of fracked gas pipelines, compressor stations, import and export terminals being proposed or built around the country.2

But you won't hear much about that on national "PUBLIC" radio. In fact, NPR hasn't aired a single story about fracking since their June 23 puff piece* that spent 18 paragraphs interviewing three different pro-fracking spokespeople before mentioning "That's not to say using more gas doesn't pose some problems."3

Some problems like wrecking our climate, our drinking water, our communities and then paying off our news media to ignore the costs? That's SOME problem NPR! With NPR and most other national media ignoring fracked gas' role in killing our climate -- it's up to us to use our own social networks to get the word out. Will you sign on now and then share this news with your friends, family and networks online, so we can reach a ton of people who are still mislead by NPR's bias?

Our demands are simple: Stop taking fracking money, and stop telling fracking lies.

Millions of us are working to keep two thirds of proven fossil fuel reserves under the ground. Our success or failure will determine whether millions more people face catastrophic climate impacts like rising seas, droughts and intense storms. Not to mention the hundreds of communities facing poisoned water, health impacts, and even earthquakes caused by fracking. These stories need to be researched, reported and most importantly aired on Public Radio -- not just some of the time, but ALL THE TIME.

To end control of our public radio by fracked gas corporations and fossil fuel profiteers, we need to think global, and act local. And that's why we're taking this newest phase of the campaign to the local stations and reporters. If we can get a powerful number -- for example, 100 of the 268 licensed NPR affiliates -- to send these demands to the national office, we'll be sure to get a serious response.

But it all starts with you, and your NPR-listening neighbors. Click here to sign on to our open letter and ask local NPR stations to back our demands that NPR stop taking the fracking industry's dirty money, and stop telling their dirty lies. Then share the news with all your friends.

Thanks for tuning in, not checking out,

Drew and the frack free radio crew at Environmental Action

* They've mentioned natural gas or fracking a few times in stories related to broader energy policy and the clean power plan, but nothing specifically about the costs or benefits of fracking, gas pipelines or anything like it.

1 - Naureen S. Malik and Harry R. Weber, Gas just another fossil-fuel loser in Obama renewables push, Bloomberg News, Aug. 4 2015
  - Karl Mathiesen, Obama's clean power plan will hit shale gas share of electricity, The Guardian, Aug. 3 2015

2 - MICHAEL GRUNWALD, Hidden in Obama’s new climate plan, a whack at red states, Though weaker than both supporters and critics say, the new rules do pack one big punch. Politico, Aug 4. 2015

3 - MARIE CUSICK, How Fracking Is Fueling A Power Shift From Coal To Gas, NPR, June 23, 2015



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