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This week, Hillary Clinton announced her opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline, citing concerns about climate change. Now it's time for President Obama to follow suit. Click here to tell POTUS to kill KXL before it kills our climate.


With the arrival of climate champion, His Holiness Pope Francis, this week, I knew it was going to be an exciting time for all of us who are fighting climate disruption. But it turns out that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decided to preclude the Pontiff's visit with a big announcement of her own. Prior to his arrival, Clinton announced her opposition to the Keystone XL Pipeline citing it as, "a distraction from the important work we have to do on climate change."1

This is obviously a big deal, and what makes the news even better is that a Clinton aide confessed that mounting pressure from members like you and other organizations influenced her decision. But as great as this is, it's important to realize that Hillary Clinton can't stop KXL because she doesn't currently hold any office -- only President Obama can deny this dirty and dangerous pipeline.

That's why we have to keep organizing and mobilizing to let POTUS know: The ball is now in your court, and it's time to kill KXL for good. Click here to make sure he gets the message.

Yesterday, during remarks at the White House, Pope Francis praised the president for taking steps to cut greenhouse gas emissions and also said, "climate change is a problem which can no longer be left to a future generation."2 While it's great the Pope has recognized some of the great actions this president has taken on climate disruption, we still need POTUS to understand that an "all of the above" strategy that includes Arctic drilling and tar sand pipelines is untenable.

It's time for the president to demonstrate that he's a true climate leader. Because while Clean Power Plans and incentives to bring solar power to low-wealth/communities of color are great steps, they'll be a drop in the bucket if Keystone is approved. Obama must understand that to laud the Pope's climate encyclical on one hand and then approve this climate killer on the other would not demonstrate leadership and be seen as contradictory.

The president has the chance to demonstrate he's a true climate champion and not just a CLINO, that is, Climate Leader In Name Only. It's up to us to let him know that when it comes to this pipe(line) you must Just Say No. Click here to let POTUS know it's time to do the right thing and deny KXL.

Thanks for sounding off,

Anthony and the Kill KXL Climate Crew

1. Bradner, Eric, Merica Dan, and Keilar, Brianna. Hillary Clinton Opposes Keystone XL Pipeline. CNN. September 22, 2015.

2. Restuccia, Andrew. Pope Praise Obama on Climate, Calls for 'Serious' Action. Politico, September 23, 2017


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