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The BLM is spending a billion dollars to roundup and corral our wild horses. CLICK HERE to donate and help us put up a billboard protesting this ridiculous practice - we need to protect America's wild horses, not round them up for slaughter or containment!


The Director of U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced last week that his agency has a $1 billion problem. It is estimated that BLM needs that much to take care of the 46,000 wild horses and burros currently in U.S. holding facilities. That doesn't even include the cost of future actions, like brutal roundups, that BLM says are needed to shrink the population now roaming public lands in 10 western states.1

All this waste to make wild horses less wild is really adding up: The 2016 BLM budget is now $107.6 million more than the 2015 enacted proposal.2

To raise awareness about this cruelty to wild horses and waste of taxpayer money, we want to put up a billboard near the Department of Interior. Together, we can tell BLM to protect America's wild horses this summer before the critical votes happen to fund and approve BLM's program of wild horse roundups.

We are trying to raise enough money to put up a billboard telling the Department of Interior to protect America's wild horses this summer before the critical votes happen to fund and approve BLM's program of wild horse roundups.

Won't you help us? Donate here to support our billboard to protect our wild horses -- not send them off to slaughter.

Thanks for taking action,

Sally and the Wild Horse Saving Crew at Environmental Action

1. Scott Sonner. BLM Boss: Wild Horse Program Facing Furtre $1B Budget Crisis. ABC News. May 12, 2016.
2. Bureau of Land Management Budget Appropriations. May, 2016.

P.S. Can't donate? Please consider forwarding my email below to a friend -- we're running out of time to stop the BLM's rogue roundup!

The Senate moved to protect some wild horses, but many more are at risk from dangerous BLM roundups. Tell Congress to support our wild horses before the BLM attempts roundups in Wyoming and Nevada like the one that killed 100 horses just two years ago!


First the good news: A bill to ensure that the Secretary of the Interior collaborates with local authorities and certain nonprofit groups to maintain the genetic diversity and viability of North Carolina's wild horses has passed the Senate. Senator Lisa Murkowski helped draw some attention to the issue with a humorous voice vote. When Senator Kelly Ayotte asked the chamber for the “nays,” Murkowski responded with an equine “neigh” on the Senate floor.1

Now the bad news: The Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Rock Springs Field Office has proposed to remove all wild horses from a stretch of Wyoming lands called the Checkerboard.2 The proposed action comes less than two years after a disastrous roundup in which 1,263 federally protected wild horses were captured and permanently removed from over 2.4 million acres of the Checkerboard (71 percent of which is public). At least 100 horses were killed during the roundup itself or in the BLM’s holding pens.3

The BLM Checkerboard roundups have set a very dangerous precedent. If allowed to stand, the agency's actions put the fate of wild horses living on public lands in the hands of ranchers, miners, oil drillers and anyone who can make a buck by removing wildlife from our public lands. That's why Wild horse advocates rallied over the weekend in Las Vegas against the hundreds of millions of dollars the U.S. government spends to round up mustangs and burros on federal land. These roundups benefit ranching and mining interests at the expense of the native horses and the taxpayers who end up footing the bill.4

Now we have a chance to speak out before the roundups begin again and more horses are killed, but we're running out of time to convince Congress with approprations votes happening in the House and Senate soon: Please click here to tell Congress to protect ALL our wild horses and then share with your friend and family over social media or email.

Thanks for taking action,

Sally and the Wild Horse Saving Crew at Environmental Action

1. Elise Viebeck. ‘Nay’ or ‘neigh’? Watch senators crack up at Lisa Murkowski’s horse joke. The Washington Post. April 20, 2016.

2. BLM Launches Scoping on Checkerboard Wild Horse Removal. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT NEWS RELEASE. March 24, 2016.

3. BLM wants to remove 500 wild horses from Wyoming’s Checkerboard lands. Horse Talk. March 26, 2016.

4. Wild horse advocates rallying in Las Vegas Friday, Saturday. OA Online. April 22, 2016.


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