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Spending bills that will fund dangerous roundups of our wild horses are advancing in Congress. Fortunately, I've found the perfect spot for our ad -- on a bike share station near the Department of the Interior -- but we're still $1000 short of our goal. Click here to chip in so we can run our ad and protect wild horses before it's too late!


The Senate and House appropriations committees have advanced the $32 billion spending bills for funding the EPA and Department of Interior. These spending bills will also support inhumane round ups of our wild horses -- making way for Big Oil, frackers and commercial cattle ranchers to take over those lands.1

Wild horses are present on just 12 percent of federal range land and are outnumbered by livestock by nearly 50-1. And yet the agency rounds up these animals with helicopters, driving thousands of them into feedlot pens at taxpayer expense.2

The bills have already passed the committees and are likely to be voted on very soon. Now is the moment to put our ad right next to the Department of Interior to tell them to protect our wild horses -- not send them to slaughter. But we're still just about $1000 short of our fundraising goal: Can you chip in here to support our ad telling Department of Interior to let our wild horses roam free, before its too late?

We have a chance to speak out before the roundups begin and more horses are killed, but we're running out of time. The votes happening to approve the BLM budget, including the money to round up and imprison wild horses, will happen soon.

Which makes this the critical moment to place our ad outside the Department of Interior! And I've got just the spot in mind: On a carbon-free, wildlife-friendly D.C. Bike Share Station right across the Street from the Department of the Interior. This is the perfect place to put our ad so that every day as they come and go from work, employees in charge of our wild horses will see our message (and maybe consider biking to work too).

Please click here to make sure we can put up our ad -- BEFORE critical votes happen to fund and approve the BLM's program of wild horse roundups.

Thanks for taking action,

Sally and the Wild Horse Saving Crew at Environmental Action

1. Jack Fitzpatrick. Rider-Filled House Interior, EPA Bill Advances Over Democrats’ Objections. Morning Consult. June 15, 2016.
2. American Wild Horse Preservation, Salt River Wild Horses FAQ,


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