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We delivered more than 1 million comments to stop offshore drilling in the Arctic, the Gulf of Mexico and everywhere else. Take a look and read all about it in the Blog!


Last week was a watershed moment in the fight to stop offshore drilling and convince President Obama’s team to keep fossil fuels in the ground.

It started, as it always does, with concerned activists and members like YOU – who signed on to petitions telling the President’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to scrap all new offshore oil drilling in their five year plan. BOEM had originally proposed a ton of new offshore drilling sites, including new leases in the Arctic and Gulf of Mexico, as well as opening areas off the Atlantic coast to drilling for the first time in decades.

Emboldened by our success on the Atlantic drilling leases, we came together with frontline communities in the Arctic and the Gulf to organize a massive #KeepItInTheGround petition campaign. Along with allies like Friends of the Earth, 350.org, the Sierra club and many others we succeeded in gathering more than 1 MILLION comments to BOEM opposing offshore drilling.

Read all about it in the blog and then chip in $15, $25 or whatever you can afford to help us continue the fight to ban ALL offshore drilling.

offshore drilling event at BOEM

With your help, we organized a massive thunderclap action that was seen and heard by nearly half-a-million people on social media Thursday afternoon. We also dropped off all the letters and signatures at the U.S. Department of Interior, along with our friends Oceana, World Wildlife Fund and Environment America. And our friends gathered statements from frontline leaders in the Arctic, the Gulf and everywhere our oceans and climate are threatened by offshore drilling.

You can read more quotes and statements from frontline community leaders in our blog, and if you can, please consider chipping in and help us plan a series of events, protests and — if necessary — direct action events to shut down the fossil fuel infrastructure and offshore drilling.

Thanks taking action on this important campaign,

Drew and the Keep it In the Gulf Crew at Environmental Action.


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