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The Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) convention officially launched yesterday, but climate activists wasted no time making their presence known in Philadelphia last weekend.

Together with allies across the movement we held a series of events and mobilizations designed to turn up the heat on elected officials and politicians to ban fracking, keep fossil fuels in the ground and finance a just transition to 100 percent clean power by 2050.

But you don't have to take my word for it: News of our biggest event, the March for a Clean Energy Revolution, was splashed all over the front pages of newspapers and TV news shows yesterday. Check out the New York Times cover below (albeit with a caption that totally misses the point of our march). Click here to check out Anthony's full report on the weekend in the blog.

On Saturday we joined friends from Food & Water Watch, Americans Against Fracking, Stop the Frack Attack and more for the Summit for a Clean Energy Revolution. While across town, our friends Energy Action Coalition held the first of their PowerShift series of conferences aimed at youth leadership on climate change. Anthony and I were at both events, and more, throughout the day to train and talk to activists about climate change, fracking and a host of energy-related issues.

But it was Sunday when the climate freedom fighters really flexed their muscles, commanding the entire day with big marches and rallies that showcased how important climate change will be in this election. Check out the report in the blog for more photos, tweets, links and actions. And then, if you can, please chip in to support great activism and events like this. We’ve agreed to help pay for housing, buses and other logistical support for these events, but we’re still a few thousand dollars short of covering our costs.

Drew and the marching crew at Environmental Action



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