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Late last night, just before the deadline, I submitted over 44,000 letters from Environmental Action members supporting the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) petition to list the monarch butterfly as an endangered species. It was one of 628 online submissions, many of them just in the last few days.

It's safe to say that in the contest for public opinion, Environmental Action knows how to run up the score. But this isn't the end of our fight to save the monarchs, it's only the beginning.

Click here to check out my blog post on this phase of the monarch butterfly campaign, including a briefing we just held with the Portland Outreach office.

Today, we can celebrate the close of a comment period where we out-voiced our opposition. But we can't rest yet. Our opponents have big ad budgets, big lobbying firms, and big voices that echo loudly in the halls of our government. And while we'll never match them in money or slick-suited lobbyists -- I'm confident we can win because there are simply too many of us to ignore. When we act together, as we did last night, we can overwhelm the opposition. Together, we proved that the plurality of people care more about the only planet we'll ever call home than they do about corporate profits or chemical convenience.

This is a well earned half time in the fight to save a species from extinction. And if we fail, well, extinction is forever. Stay tuned for more opportunities to take action for the monarch, and all endangered species.


Drew Hudson, Director, and the team at Environmental Action


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