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Thanks to your emails and messages, the Senate just sustained the president's veto of the Keystone XL pipeline bill by four votes.

As happy as I am about this victory, it's but one battle in an ongoing war against climate deniers in the Senate who will stop at nothing to force this pipeline through. Just today it was rumored that the President Pro Tem of Senate climate deniers, James Inhofe (R-OK) is considering sticking a Keystone provision in a bill to fund transportation for another year. And, we still have the so called "Nimrod 9," the nine Democratic senators who broke with their party and president to support this pipeline--Eight of them voted to sustain the veto.

Thank you to all who took action by signing petitions, calling Senators and donating to this ongoing campaign. We should all feel really good about today, but we can't get too complacent. Please help us stay on the offensive by clicking here, and help us bring the fight to anyone in the Senate who tries to resurrect the KXL bill.

Thanks for all of your help,

Anthony and The NoKXL Coalition 

1. Clyne, Melissa. GOP Lawmakers Eyeing Ways To Slide Keystone Into Law. Newsmax. March 4, 2015.


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