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More than a dozen of our allies from Cove Point Maryland and other frontline communities disrupted the monthly Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) commissioners’ meeting on Thursday. They were there to deliver over 20,000 messages from Environmental Action members and other allies calling on FERC to shut down the construction of a massive fracked gas export terminal at Cove Point -- at least until they consider legal appeals and challenges to the project.

Our allies in Maryland are desperate to stop their homes, community and our collective environment from being destroyed by this project. They've done all the 'right' things: appealed to FERC's own rules, asked the courts to intercede, ANYTHING to get the project stopped or put on hold. FERC promised to listen, and is required to consider an appeal. But while they dither, Dominion just keeps building and building. And Thursday was no exception:

Check out the whole report, including video coverage from our friends at Popular Resistance to see the latest on how we're fighting fracked gas on land, at sea and anywhere they propose it.

Just seconds after the meeting was gaveled in, one of our allies from Maryland approached the commissioners to deliver your signatures and read a short prepared statement. Security guards immediately grabbed her and hustled her out of the building. As you can see, other allies from Beyond Extreme Energy demanded to be heard, but security removed those protesters from the room as well, some of them forcibly.

But none of this will stop us from challenging FERC to clean up its act, and do its job. This May, Beyond Extreme Energy is going back to FERC for another whole week of action. And this time, we’re bringing not just dozens but hundreds of people to protest and show the world that FERC doesn’t work -- in fact it’s a circus for polluters and frackers. You can learn more about the actions in May, and sign up to join us or get updates here.


Drew and the Beyond Extreme Energy team at Environmental Action


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