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Click here to tell your Senators to vote no on a toxic control bill written by the chemical industry that prevents states from protecting their citizens. 


The current Senate has been described as one of the most dysfunctional in the nation's history. If we don't act fast it could soon become the most toxic. The Senate is considering an update to the 40 year old Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). An update is surely needed, since TSCA has not kept up with new chemicals and fails to protect citizens from exposure. In fact, diseases linked to chemical exposure including childhood cancer, breast cancer, learning disabilities have actually increased in the last 40 years.1

Instead of voting to protect the safety and health of our communities, the Senate is about to vote on a bill that benefits the chemical industry. Even worse, the bill was actually written by the chemical industry2 who are now putting politicians in their pockets to pass it.

That's why we are teaming up with our friends at Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) to tell Senators to vote no on this industry-backed bill that puts communities at risk. Can I count on you to tell your Senators, "don't play politics with people's health?"

The proposed Vitter-Udall bill is so bad that it drew the ire of over 400 public interest groups, including PSR, and eight Attorneys General (AGs).3 The AGs are especially concerned that the Vitter-Udall bill would strip states of the ability to pass tougher rules to protect their citizens, and override existing tougher rules in places like California and New York.  If you're confused about why Republicans who normally push for more states' rights are now pushing a bill that would take them away, I totally understand. It makes no sense and it's further proof that the chemical industry is licking their chops to get their toxic bill passed.

States should not be penalized for protecting their citizens and the chemical industry should not have more say in regulating toxic substances than you. Unfortunately this is exactly what will happen if we don't act fast. As of today there are 19 Senators, Democrat and Republican, sponsoring the bill. The only way we're going to counteract the chemical industry's money and influence is by speaking out. That's why I need you to click here and tell your Senators to close the Vitter-Udall toxic box right now.

Together we can demand that our Senators pass a bill that actually protects communities and reduces exposure.

Thank you for taking action,

Anthony for Environmental Action

1. Physicians for Social Responsibility: The Need for Chemical Reform in the United States.

2. Wheeler, Lydia. Boxer: Chemical bill came from industry. The Hill. March 17, 2015.

3. Rogers-Wright, Anthony. Tisk, Tisk, Tsca: A Toxic Paradox. Environmental Action. March 21, 2015.


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