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Please make a donation to help us save the Sage Grouse from extinction in 2015.


I have a confession to make. I don't think the Sage Grouse is the prettiest bird out there; in fact I think it's kind of wierd looking. The Grouse is not as cute as a bear or panther cub. And it makes funny noises and uses a funky dance known as the "Sage Grouse Strut" to mate. But just because the Grouse is small and funky, that's no reason to treat it like an expendable pawn piece. Yet that's just what Big Oil and Big Ag are doing - trying to sacrifice the Grouse in order to gain access to millions of acres of public lands for drilling, mining and ranching. In fact, in the game of chess between conservation and pollution - you could say the Grouse is our King.

That's why climate-killers snuck a paragraph into the $1.1 trillion Cromnibus spending bill that forbids the Interior Department from protecting Sage Grouse under the Endangered Species Act. 

Please chip in and help us save the grouse from checkmate and extinction.

Politicians claim they need more time to determine the best way to protect the grouse in lieu of a federal listing.1 But the true reason for blocking listing of the grouse is to open swaths of federal land for oil and gas development or grazing on land where the grouse lives and breeds. 

Big Oil and Big Ag may think that the new spending bill closes the book on the Grouse, so that they can now declare "CHECKMATE." But with your help, we can send them a message, "NOT SO FAST." This is the last time I will be writing to you on behalf of the Grouse in 2014. I am pleading with you to donate to this cause that is literally a life or death scenario.

What's great about donating to this cause is that you get a three for one: In addition to saving a species from extinction, your donation will also help to fight oil and gas development and increased grazing on federal lands. Now that's what I call a grand bargain.

When I was growing up, I was lucky to have a Chess tutor. He taught me that as long as you have knights, there is always a chance to avert checkmate. Will you please consider being knights for the Grouse by making a year-end donation?

Thank You taking (Environmental) Action,

Anthony and the Environmental Action Chess Club

1. Guillen, Alex and Schor, Elana. Bye-bye, birdie. PoliticoPro, December 11, 2014.


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