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Please chip in and help us continue to work with other awesome organizations fighting to protect the planet.


I agree with Helen Keller who said, "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." That's why we partnered with so many amazing organizations this year to help us fight for what's right: the protection of our air, water, climate and planet. We worked with friends from across the country and the results could not have been any better. That's because we work with diverse organizations: large, small, specific issue groups, or generalists, secular or faith based organizations committed to protecting creation.

As we look forward to 2015, there are going to be many more challenges that are just too big to take on alone. We're going to have to unite with even more groups to take on the lawmakers, industries and polluters who threaten our collective home. Your support is a big part of what helps us attract, finance and collaborate with such great organizations, which is why we are asking you to please click here and help us out with a year end donation.

We are very grateful for the new friends we've gained this year and all that we have accomplished with them: From killing bad legislation; To acting out to ban fracking in New York and elsewhere; To flooding Congress with emails and phone calls; To busing activists to huge events like the People's Climate March -- it's been a very good year. But we can't bask in the glory of these accomplishments for too long. 2015 is going to be a very tough year for the environment, and we need to make even MORE new friends, form new coalitions and become even more creative with putting the "art" in collaboration. Your year-end donation is key to making this not just a possibility, but a reality.

Activism is so much more fun and effective when done with friends. Can you help us make more friends next year by chipping in today?

Thank you for being such a great friend,

Anthony and the team at Environmental Action 


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