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URGENT: The Senate votes Monday on a budget deal that does not include a promised amendment to address man-made climate change. Tell your Senators to vote "No" on any budget that doesn't include an amendment to address climate change.


I don't need to tell you about the abject dysfunction in our Congress right now, nor its consistent failure to address climate disruption. Whether it's Senator Inhoffe throwing a snowball on the Senate floor, or Senator McConnell telling all 50 governors and world leaders to ignore President Obama's Clean Power Plan, we've seen more than our share of climate denial stunts. But for all of these antics, I always held on to a smidgen of hope because despite the theatrics, the Senate voted twice to admit climate change is real, and caused by humans.

But that all changed when the House GOP approved a budget last week that does not include a promised, bi-partisan amendment admitting the economic and national security risks associated with human-induced climate change.1

I've never been one to oppose compromise in Washington, since that seems to prevent any governing. But this time is different, because when it comes to climate change, there is no room for compromise. The Senate is expected to vote on this climate-less budget deal on Monday so we all need to reach out to our Senators right away and deliver a simple message: No Climate Change, No Deal. Will you contact your Senators today and tell them to make climate change a deal breaker?

It's telling that even the GOP led Senate asked their House counterparts to include the climate amendment in their budget. And it's even more important that our military believes climate change poses a serious national security risk.2 But despite all these facts and requests from sources they claim to trust, the House leadership still refuses to admit the real dangers of climate catastrophe. With your help we can make sure that the Senate does not make the same mistake when they vote on a budget next week. Please contact your Senators today and tell them that any budget they pass must address climate change.

Thank you for taking (environmental) action,

Anthony and The Environmental Action Budget Busters

1. Dixon, Darius. Politico Morning Energy. Politico. May 1, 2015.

2. Davenport, Coral. Pentagon Signals Security Risks of Climate Change. New York Times. October 13, 2014.


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