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UPDATE: Our amazing allies just took an exhibit about the dangers of climate denial to the annual convention of museum curators. Next, we want to take the exhibit to the Smithsonian, and ask them to kick climate-denier David Koch out of our science museums. Sign here to help it happen!


Ever wonder what future generations will say about the big moment when we realized global warming was ripping our world apart? I do, and that's why I was so excited when our allies at the Natural History Museum mounted an exhibition on fossil fuel industry greenwashing at a huge convention for museum staff and curators.1

It was a big, funny stunt to make a serious point: People who deny climate science, like the billionaire oil baron David Koch, have no business running our most prestigious science museums.

We want to take that message and over 250,000 signatures from activists like you to the Smithsonian Board of Regents meeting on June 15. Together, we'll urge them to kick David Koch off the board of the Smithsonian. But we're still a few thousand signers short of our goal - can you take action now to kick Koch out of our science museums, and ask all your friends to do the same?

In an open letter that was picked up by news sites around the world, dozens of top scientists, including several Nobel laureates and senior government officials, made a plea for science museums to cut all ties to the fossil fuel industry. They wrote:2

When some of the biggest contributors to climate change and funders of misinformation on climate science sponsor exhibitions in museums of science and natural history, they undermine public confidence in the validity of the institutions responsible for transmitting scientific knowledge. This corporate philanthropy comes at too high a cost.

In particular, the letter points a finger at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (D.C.) and the American Museum of Natural History (NY), where David Koch is a member of the board, a major donor and an exhibit sponsor.3

Oil mogul David Koch sits on the board of our nation’s largest and most respected natural history museums, while he bankrolls groups that deny climate science? That's just outrageous.

Sign this petition if you agree it’s time to get science deniers out of science museums and kick Koch off the board!


Drew and the museum climate-security crew at Environmental Action

1 - The natural history Museum, Exhibition on Fossil Fuel Industry Greenwashing in Science Museums, April 29, 2015
2 - Steve Lyons and Beka Economopoulos, Museums must take a stand and cut ties to fossil fuels, The Gaurdian, May 7, 2015
3 - James Hansen et all, An Open Letter to Museums from Members of the Scientific Community, March 24, 2015


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