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Click here to tell Jeb Bush that flip flopping on climate change is the wrong path to get to the White House.


Jeb Bush keeps flubbing his answers to some of the most critical questions facing our planet -- and I'm not talking about Iraq.For a man who's not even sure if he's running for president, he's taken a firm position on climate change; too bad it's the wrong one.

Last month in New Hampshire, Jebbie said that  he was "concerned" about climate change and urged the United States to work with other nations to find solutions.1 He even committed to leading a discussion in the Republican party about finding solutions to climate change.But just when it seemed like Jeb was going to be the voice of sanityin his party, he did an about face just yesterday.  Not only did Jeb deny that humans are causing climate change, he said  anyone who believes in the science of climate change are "arrogant."2 It makes you think whose been talking to Jeb since his last trip to New Hampshire. Could it be Big Oil tycoons like the climate-killing Koch Brothers who have promised to spend nearly $1 billion in 2016 to ensure a climate denier takes the White House?

Well, whenever Jeb does decides to make his run for Oval Office official, we need to be waiting for him with a message: "Changing your stance on climate change does not change the reality of it." Will you click here to make sure he gets the message?

As the former governor of a state that is already forced to adapt to climate change impacts including rising sea levels, higher insurance rates and even racial tensions,3 Jebbie should know better. But not only has he flipped his position, he is now making outrageous statements that defy  reality.

President Obama just gave a speech to the United States Coast Guard Academy, in which he laid out the national security risks associated with climate change in detail. Jeb's reply was pure science fiction. He praised fracking as a solution, when in fact fracked gas is a more potent global warming pollutant -- not to mention it's impacts on our air, land and water.4  And then, as if that was not confusing enough, he said that when it comes to climate change conservatives should, "embrace innovation, embrace technology and embrace science" -- But how can he embrace science while denying climate change? 

Ramana Maharashi once said, "Your own self-realization is the greatest service you can render the world." But Jeb doesn't seem ready to embrace the reality of one of the greatest challenges in human history: namely, climate change. That's why we need to let him know that as long as he denies climate reality we're going to stay out of the bushes. Click here to send that message.

Thanks for taking (environmental) action,

Anthony and the Environmental Action Climate Crusaders

1. Levitan, Dave. Sorry Jeb, It's Not 'Arrogant' to Say Climate Change Is Real. It's True. Huffington Post. May 22, 2015.

2. O'Keefe, Ed. Jeb Bush: The Climate is Changing. The Washington Post. May 20, 2015.

3. Gillis, Chad. Climate Change Will Force Florida's Local Governments To Act. News-Press.Com. May 7, 2015.

4. Atkin, Emily. Jeb Bush Says People Who Accept Climate Science are "Really Arrogant." Think Progress. May 21, 2015.


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