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We've raised $1,000 to tell Gov. Rick Scott that Florida cares about its bears, but we're expanding our efforts to include local newspaper ads. Chip in to help us hit our new goal of $2,000 to save the bears!


The Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission's final vote on whether to permit hunting Florida's Black Bears is quickly approaching. So far more than 12,000 of us have taken action, including nearly 400 phone calls to Governor Rick Scott's office -- Let's hear it for Team Bear!

But we need more support from the people of Sarasota, FL, where the final hearing is scheduled. Only with a big public outcry from local residents can we convince Gov. Scott that Florida is Team Bear. And I need your help to make it happen! So far, we have reached our goal of $1,000 -- but we can't stop there! With a week to go until the hearing, I want to expand our campaign to buy ad space in local newspapers so we can make sure to get Gov. Scott's attention. To do that, I need to increase our fundraising goal to $2,000.

Can you chip in to help tell Sarasota residents that bears are at risk, and convince Gov. Scott that Florida cares about its bears?

With only 3,000 of these bears left in the state, this is no time to give hunters a license for a bear killing spree. But the FWC has already ruled twice in favor of a hunting season. We need to act fast if we're going to convince Gov. Scott to overrule the pro-hunting Wildlife Commission and save the bears.

Rather than indicting all the bears, Florida should focus on non-lethal methods like bear proof trash cans, bear-safety education and reducing urban sprawl. These methods are proven to be more effective at reducing incidents and will allow this lovely species to live in harmony with humans. But since FFWC doesn't seem to get it, we need to convince Gov. Rick Scott that hunting Florida's Black Bears is bad for the bears, and will be bad for Florida's tourism industry.

Will you chip in to help us use posters and local media to show Gov. Scott that Florida is Team Bear?

Thanks for taking (Environmental) Action,

Sally and The Environmental Action Bear Club


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